
Privacy Policy

At TaxHelper we respect and protect your personal information and will not share it with any third party without your consent. Read our privacy policy below.

This Privacy Policy governs the manner in which Tax Helper ApS collects, stores and uses information collected from users (hereinafter "Users") of the www.taxhelper.dk website and sub-domains thereof (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Website"). The EU Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Danish Data Protection Act set the framework for this policy and how your personal data will be processed. This Privacy Policy covers the Website and all products offered by Tax Helper ApS.

Personal information

Personal data is any information that can be directly or indirectly attributed to a specific individual. For example, name, address, e-mail, social security number. The processing of personal data is all forms of handling personal data, including collection, recording, systematic and erasure.

TaxHelper may collect personal information from Users in a variety of ways, including but not limited to when Users use our tax deduction product, make a purchase, pay for a product or engage in other activities on the Website. Users may be asked for name, email address, tax information and credit card information as appropriate. However, Users may visit the Website anonymously and thereby choose not to provide personal information, but this may prevent them from using certain services or functionalities of the Website.

TaxHelper is the data controller for your personal data

TaxHelper is the data controller for the personal data that we process about you. TaxHelper is therefore responsible for ensuring that your personal data is processed in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, even if data processors are used. It is TaxHelper you should contact if you wish to see your personal data or wish to have your personal data corrected.

Non-personal information

We may collect non-personal information about Users as soon as they visit the Website. Non-personal information may include browser name, computer type and technical information about the User's connection to the Website, such as operating system, Internet service provider and other similar information.

Web browser cookies

The website uses "cookies" to improve the User experience. The User's web browser stores cookies on its hard drive for registration purposes and sometimes to track information about them. Users can choose to set their browser to reject cookies or alert you when cookies are being sent. However, the User should be aware that certain parts of the Website may then have reduced functionality.

How we use collected information

We may collect and use Users' personal information for the following purposes, among others:

To personalize the user experience
We may use the information collected to understand how our Users as a group use the services and resources offered on the Website.

To process User's deductions and taxes
We may use personal information to check and report the User's tax deductions calculated on the Website or to amend the User's taxes, e.g. the User's tax return if the User is a TaxHelper+ member.

To make payments and deliveries
We may use the information the User provides about themselves when placing an order solely to service that order. We will not share this information with anyone else unless this is necessary to fulfill the order (such as payment services).

To send emails
We may use the User's e-mail address to respond to questions or other inquiries from the User, if any.

To comply with applicable law
We may use the User's information to ensure that we comply with applicable legislation, such as the Danish Money Laundering Act. Therefore, the User's full name may be collected from the Danish Tax Agency to ensure that we know who the service is provided to in accordance with the Money Laundering Act.

Data processor

Usage: Firebase is used for hosting servers and authorization of login etc.
Data processing: https://firebase.google.com/terms/data-processing-terms

Google Analytics
Usage: Google Analytics is used to gather information to improve our service and platform
Data processing: https://privacy.google.com/businesses/processorterms/

Usage: Stripe is used to receive and refund payments
Data processing: https://stripe.com/us/privacy

Usage: Skattestyrelsen is used to report tax information for the User and to comply with applicable legislation such as the Danish Money Laundering Act
Data processing: https://www.skat.dk/skat.aspx?oid=1325

Usage: Hotjar is used to gather information to improve our service and platform
Data processing: https://www.hotjar.com/legal/policies/privacy/

Facebook Pixel
Usage: Facebook's Pixel is used to collect information to improve our service and platform
Data processing: https://www.facebook.com/policy.php

TikTok Pixel
Usage: TikTok's Pixel is used to collect information to improve our service and platform
Data processing: https://www.tiktok.com/legal/privacy-policy-eea

Snapchat Pixel
Usage: Snapchat's Pixel is used to collect information to improve our service and platform
Data processing: https://values.snap.com/da-DK/privacy/privacy-policy

Usage: ActiveCampaign is used for sending newsletters and communication with the User
Data processing: https://activecampaign.com/legal/gdpr-updates/gdpr-overview

How we protect your information

We have put in place appropriate data collection, storage and processing processes to protect against unauthorised access, alteration, disclosure or destruction of your personal information, payment details and data stored on the Website. Sensitive and private data exchange between the Website and its Users takes place over a secure socket layer (SSL) communication channel.

Processing of personal data in the newsletter

If you have signed up for the newsletter, you consent to us contacting you by email with newsletters and offers. We will process your e-mail address and the information about your purchases with us until it is no longer relevant. In practice, this means until you inform us that you no longer wish to receive e-mails from us.

You can withdraw your consent at any time. You can do this either by using the link at the bottom of our emails or by contacting us at ab@taxhelper.dk and informing us that you no longer wish to receive our newsletters and offers.

Sharing your personal information

We do not sell or rent Users' personal information to others. We may share generically aggregated information, not linked to any personally identifiable information about visitors and Users, with our business partners, affiliates and advertisers for purposes, as well as other sharing as described above.

Transfer to third countries

In some cases, we may transfer your data to our IT service providers in countries outside the EU/EEA. Any transfer of your data to a third country will take place in accordance with the applicable rules in GDPR Chapter V.

Data storage and deletion

Data is stored as long as it is necessary or legally required, but never more than a maximum of 5 years after the end of the customer relationship, if it is a legal requirement (for example, for the Company's own accounting or the Money Laundering Act). When the User deletes his account, all data that the Company is not obliged to keep is deleted. For example, the Company is obliged to keep the data on which reports to the Tax Agency are based, whereas data that has not been reported is automatically deleted.

Third party websites

Users may find links to other third party websites on the Website. We do not control the content or links that appear on these sites and are not responsible for the policies of websites that link to or from the Website. In addition, these websites or services, including their content and links, may change periodically. These websites and services may have their own privacy and service policies. Searching and other interaction with other websites, including websites that link to the Website, is subject to that website's own terms and policies.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may update this privacy policy at any time. When we do this, we will change the date of the last update at the bottom of this page. We encourage Users to periodically check this page for changes to be informed of how we are helping to protect the personal information we collect. In the event of major changes, these will be communicated to Users via email.

Your rights

The right to insight
You have the right to gain insight into the information TaxHelper processes about you. This means that you have the right to confirm that information about you is being processed as well as a number of other information, such as the period for which the information is stored.

The right to rectification
You have the right to have data about you rectified.

The right to erasure
In some circumstances, you have the right to have your data erased. These are circumstances where the law does not outweigh the need to delete your data.

You can read more about your rights on the Danish Data Protection Agency's website www.datatilsynet.dk.

If you wish to exercise your rights, please contact TaxHelper at support@taxhelper.dk

Your acceptance of these terms

By using the Website, you agree to this Policy and Terms of Service. If you do not accept this policy, please do not use the Website. Continued use of this Website following changes to this policy will be deemed acceptance of such changes.

Who can I complain to?

If you wish to complain about the Company's processing of your personal data, the complaint should be submitted to the Data Protection Authority, which can be contacted in the following ways:

Phone: +45 33 19 32 00
Mail: dt@datatilsynet.dk
Address: Borgergade 28, 5 - 1300 Copenhagen K

We would of course prefer that you also contact us with a view to resolving the challenge. You can find our contact details below.

Contact us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the practices of the Website or your dealings with the Website, please contact us at:

Tax Helper ApS
Sortedam Dossering 55
2100 Copenhagen Ø

This policy was last updated on August 2, 2023